perm filename WIN.M1[NOT,DBL] blob sn#210308 filedate 1976-04-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
 Type ? for help.  Problems to <NSMITH>.

   No new messages since file was read on 15-APR-76 12:41:34.
   There are 5 old messages.

<- Type (message numbers) 5
Mail from MIT-AI rcvd at 14-APR-76 1743-PST
Date: 14 APR 1976 2041-EST
From: PHW at MIT-AI
To: lenat at SUMEX-AIM

Well, I am out of gas, and I think if I write
one more word I will croak, so a good explanation
of your work will have to wait until the second
edition.  But I have said its comming, and I want
to be semi-sure about what the story is vis a vis
your 2 page write up, namely,

1. Is there any prior invention of the concept of
maximally divisible number?

2. If so, is there any prior invention of that hairy
formula you give for their form.

3. Did a program generate #1 and/or #2 or your simulation
of a to be written program.

Back to #1, I mean were they neglected or not even thought

Yours tiredly,

   That was message 5;  that was the last message

<- Exit and update old file MESSAGE.TXT;1 [Confirm] 
End of SAIL execution